Check out today's top celebrity news from around the web, including Christina Applegate, Channing Tatum, Matt Damon and much more!
Christina Applegate shows off her baby - Access Hollywood
Channing Tatum does GQ - Daily Stab
Matt Damon would've been awful in Avatar - Betty Confidential
Justin Bieber should never, ever talk without his handlers present - Amy Grindhouse
Katy Perry is out of this world - Celebridoodle
Paris Hilton has a hot new ride - I'm Not Obsessed
Jessica Alba is preggers - Babyrazzi
Duran Duran's Andy Taylor is a 50-year-old Wild Boy today - The Celebrity Cafe
Shedding for the Wedding preview - RTVM
90210 sneak peek - TV Fanatic
Who won the Westminster Dog Show? - The Wire